Estrela 2 by Alcon
Tonca, Miramar
Bookings open

A pioneer in the construction business in Goa with a track record of successfully completing large number of projects since inception

Experience the Luxurious Lifestyle with endless list of Amenities

“ALCON – Anil Counto Enterprises” is Goa based group since 1971, with business interests in manufacturing, construction and real estate, hospitality and trading with turnover in excess of Rs. 4000 million. We intend to expand our footprint beyond Goa and continue to remain one of the fastest growing companies in the state of Goa. A pioneer in the construction business in Goa with a track record of successfully completing large number of projects since inception. Ever since Alcon built the first construction, this has been our motto. Never build houses; build homes. And the philosophy has delivered: Today we are into huge diversification within real estate and construction. In developing exclusive and prestigious properties, Alcon has always been the first name. With us, development follows a well established process: access roads, drainage, electricity, water supply, open areas, landscaped gardens – all these are first put in place. Only then does construction begin.

Our Projects

Nestled in the heart of a tourist hot spot in Goa, ‘The Emblem’ is a perfect game-changer! With everything, you…
Come home to a palatial abode that reaches up to the sky, a desirable address meant only for the elite.…
When living in a home comes with the comforts of a hotel, you know you’ve made the right choice. Look…

Why Choose Us

As leading real estate professionals, we know the industry, communities, present market condition, and the most effective way to fulfill your real estate needs. We guarantee our clients that we will find them the best real estate opportunity available. Customer service and satisfaction are our top priorities.